SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CryptographyMachineGuid__ProviderArchitectureROOT\CIMV2IDSELECT * FROM Win32_ShadowCopyWQLWin32_ShadowCopy.ID='%s'Global\%.8x%.8x%.8x%.8xTimes New Roman.bmpControl Panel\DesktopWallPaperWallpaperStyleZ:\dllhost.exeElevation:Administrator!new:{3E5FC7F9-9A51-4367-9063-A120244FBEC7}%s.README.txtControl Panel\InternationalLocaleNamesLanguageSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersionProductName%.8x%.8x%.8x%.8x%POSTABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789%s=%s%s=%s%.8x%.8x%.8x%.8x%ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789%u.%u%u.%u\\%s\LDAP://rootDSEdefaultNamingContextLDAP://CN=Computers,dNSHostName\\%s\ExchangeInstallPathProgram FilesMailboxSOFTWARE\%shScreen
# Author: Alexey Kleymenov (a member of Nozomi Networks Labs)
import os
import struct
import pefile
import ida_kernwin
PATH_TO_DLLS = 'c:\\windows\\system32\\'
def extract_api_hashes(start):
Returns a dictionary where keys are import functions to write data and values are list of hashes
The first hash is the DLL name's hash, the rest are WinAPI names' hashes
decryptor_address = start
print('Bulk API decryptor address: %x' % decryptor_address)
api_hashes = {}
for head in Heads():
flags = GetFlags(head)
if isCode(flags):
prev = prev_head(head)
prev_2 = prev_head(prev)
if print_insn_mnem(head) == 'call' and get_operand_value(head, 0) == decryptor_address:
print('Found the decryptor called: %x' % head)
if print_insn_mnem(prev) == 'push' and print_insn_mnem(prev_2) == 'push':
func_hashes = get_operand_value(prev_2, 0)
import_table = get_operand_value(prev, 0)
api_hashes[import_table] = []
for i in range(0, 0xffff, 4):
api_hash = struct.unpack("> 0x0D) | (value << (0x20 - 0x0D))) & 0xFFFFFFFF
value += ord(symbol) & 0xFFFFFFFF
return value
def build_mappings(dll_filepath, dll_hashes):
This function calculates API checksums for the DLLs of interest
dll_name = os.path.basename(dll_filepath)
dll_checksum = calculate_checksum(dll_name.lower() + '\x00', 0)
result = {}
if dll_checksum in dll_hashes:
dll = pefile.PE(dll_filepath, fast_load=True)
if hasattr(dll, 'DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT'):
dll_name = dll_name.replace('.', '_')
result[dll_checksum] = {'dll_name': dll_name}
export_directory = dll.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT
for symbol in export_directory.symbols:
if is not None:
api_name ='latin-1')
api_checksum = calculate_checksum(api_name + '\x00', dll_checksum)
result[api_checksum] = {'dll_name': dll_name, 'api_name': api_name}
return result
def parse_dlls(path_to_dlls, dll_hashes):
This function goes through all the files in the specified path and calculates export hashes for DLLs matching by name hashes
list_dlls = os.listdir(path_to_dlls)
mappings = {}
for dll_filename in list_dlls:
full_path = os.path.join(path_to_dlls, dll_filename)
mappings.update(build_mappings(full_path, dll_hashes))
return mappings
def decrypt_all():
The function expects the cursor to be located at the bulk decryption function
start = get_screen_ea()
api_hashes = extract_api_hashes(start)
dll_hashes = []
for _, hashes in api_hashes.items():
dll_mappings = parse_dlls(PATH_TO_DLLS, dll_hashes)
for import_table, hashes in api_hashes.items():
dll_hash = hashes[0]
api_hashes = hashes[1:]
if dll_hash in dll_mappings:
print('Found DLL hash %x = %s' % (dll_hash, dll_mappings[dll_hash]['dll_name']))
for i, api_hash in enumerate(api_hashes):
if api_hash in dll_mappings:
addr = import_table + (i+1)*4
print('Found API hash for %x = %s (%s)' % (addr, dll_mappings[api_hash]['api_name'], dll_mappings[api_hash]['dll_name']))
set_name(addr, dll_mappings[api_hash]['api_name'])
print('API hash %x not found' % api_hash)
print('DLL hash %x not found' % dll_hash)
ida_kernwin.add_hotkey("z", decrypt_all)
#著者Alexey Kleymenov (Nozomi Networks Labsのメンバー)
インポート ida_kernwin
def is_utf16_heur(string):
カウンタ = 0
for val in string:
if val == 0:
カウンタ += 1
if counter/float(len(string))> 0.4:
def decrypt_string(start_addr):
addr = start_addr
result = b""
for i in range(0xFFFF):
instr = print_insn_mnem(addr)
if instr != 'mov' or 'dword ptr' in GetDisasm(addr):
値 = get_operand_value(addr, 1)
decoded_value = value ^ HARDCODED_XOR_KEY
result += struct.pack(")